Queenstown NZ

I recently travelled to Queenstown, New Zealand, to run my first marathon - why not right?!

4 years in the making trying to make it to New Zealand; A nasty burst appendix and with all the COVID border cancellations, it wasn't until now (on my birthday) in November, I finally made it across the ditch and even better, to the start line in good health, great spirits and an aim to finish it anywhere between "an amazing time, and a good time".


Race day, unsurprisingly, a LOT of swearing happened on this "fun run" due to the sheer beauty of my surroundings, the deceptive incline of the hills... the amount of them (!!!), and the next level cramping that grounded me to a steer halt just 800m from the finishing line. That I could see. AND bang smack in front of one of the official photographers. Of course.

There are better ways to finish the marathon after a strong'ish first 41.5km; watching dozens run by as I had to pull over to the side and try and stretch it out. Whilst swearing (obviously).

In the end, I hobbled up ANOTHER hill and saw my best friend at the finishing line - at that moment, I forgot all about my pain and crossed that finish line in what I can imagine looked like Phoebe from Friends running.


After years of countless stupid early long runs, little niggles here and there, squats, speed training, and a LOT of pizza, that day, I completed my goal of being the happiest runner out on the course.

And yes, mum is very proud of her (favourite) daughter.


YEARS ago - I committed (not knowing I was about to play the long game) to 4-5 runs a week, as well as pre-hab sessions to build up strength and help avoid injuries and get to the start line in good form.

My 20min session pre-run include a bunch of go-to running exercises such as:


Leading up to the marathon, I also made sure I had regular massages. Targeting my calves, glutes, hip flexes, and quads. Deep tissues, needling, cupping - all the fun things!


Calf raises (basic)

You can do this exercise either on the ground or standing on the edge of a box or step (with your heels hanging down)
STEP ONE: Stand upright and tall, with your feet hip width apart and your toes facing forward.
STEP TWO: Press onto your toes and raise your heels off the floor as high as possible. Keeping both knees straight (target gastrocnemius muscle).
STEP THREE: Return to the starting position but slowly lowering your heels down.
2 sets, 10 reps to begin with

Calf raises (with bent knee)

Some as above but maintaining a knee bend throughout the movement. This will target the soleus muslce more.

Calf raises (with weights)

Same exercise as above except you can add in two weights in each hand or one single plate held to youru chest, to make the exercise more difficult. Keep the weight balanced on both sides to exercise both calves evenly.

Basic Calf RaiseRaise up onto your toesCalf raise with a bent knee

Bridges (with a band)

Place a resistance band loop around both thighs (above your knees)
Lying down on your back on the floor (carpet or yoga mat), knees bent and feet flat on the floor
Position your legs hips width apart (so you can feel the tension in the band)
Pressing down on both feet evenly, raise your hips up into a bridge - keep your knees at hip width apart
Keeping the tension on the band, slowly control the movement back down to the start position.

Bridges with a band

Squats (with a band)

Place a resistance band loop around both thighs (above your knees)
Stand with you legs shoulder width apart, maintain the band by ensuring some tension is maintained in the band.
Bend your knees to drop your buttocks down into a squat position. Push your hips back and your chest forward.
Control the movement back to the start position.

Squats with band

Reverse Lunges

Standing upright with your hands on your hips and your legs at shoulder-width apart. 
Take a large step backward with one foot.
At the same time, lower your body down so that you front knee is bent to 90 degrees and allow your heel to lift
Hold the position and the rise back up pushing on both legs evenly
Step your rear leg to the front again
Repeat stepping back with the other leg

Lunge start position

Step ups

Stand upright facing a step in front of you.
Place your right leg up on to the step and bring your rear left leg also onto the step.
Then step back down to the start position leading with the left leg until both legs return to normal.
Repeat starting with the left leg.single leg squats 

Step up exercises

Single leg squats

Stand upright (near a wall or table for support if needed)
Bend on knee slightly, lifting the leg off the ground and balance with the other
On the standing leg, bend your knee (keep the heel on the ground) and ensure your knee travels forwards and finishes over your toes
Straighten the leg back up and repeat the movement

Single leg squat startKnee bend single leg squat


Stand up straight on one leg and lift your other leg behind you.
Bend your weightbearing knee, so your body leans forward and reach your hands towards the floor.
Control your movement as you move back up - keep your elevated leg in a steady position throughout.

Arabesque position


Bridget Radomski

Come in and see Bridget for all your running needs!

Bridget is a remedial massage therapist that incorporates various techniques, including deep tissue massage, sports massage, traditional Swedish (relaxation), trigger point therapy, myofascial release and cupping - all tailored to suit each person's needs.

She works Alternate Mondays 2pm - 7pm, Wednesdays 12pm - 7pm and Alternate Saturdays 8am - 12pm.

CALL NOW (03) 9388 1233 or BOOK NOW